Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Sadanand Shinde was given the privilege of Dr. Ambedkar Journalism Award: Sanjay Patil

Sadanand Shinde was given the privilege of Dr. Ambedkar Journalism Award: Sanjay Patil

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By Sanjay Patil :Sadanand Shinde was given the privilege of Dr. Ambedkar Journalism Award
Bharat Ratna Dr. Sadanand Shinde, a journalist at a special ceremony held on January 31 in Nagpur, said that the newspaper 'Muknayak', launched by Babasaheb Ambedkar in 1920, had been completed for hundred years. Babasaheb Ambedkar Journalism Award will be presented.

Nagpur: Bharat Ratna Dr. Sadanand Shinde, a journalist at a special ceremony held on January 31 in Nagpur, said that the newspaper 'Muknayak', launched by Babasaheb Ambedkar in 1920 , had been completed for hundred years. Babasaheb Ambedkar Journalism Award will be presented.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Journalism Award Ceremony has been organized at 'Muknayak' centenary year at 5 pm on Friday evening in association with Ugandhar Creation, Vandana Sangha Deekshabhoomi and Lord Buddha Maitri Sangh. Dr. Ambedkar will be honored with awards for journalists who have done remarkable work in the field of journalism. The ceremony will be held in the presence of former social justice minister Rajkumar Badole, senior charity officer Rameshji Live, Nagpur Police Commissioner Bhushan Kumar Upadhyay and others.

Tukaram Munde said " Click and  send Complaints" :  Sanjay Patil

Tukaram Munde said " Click and send Complaints" : Sanjay Patil

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By Sanjay Patil : Nagpur : 30 Jan. : Municipal Commissioner Tukaram Mundhe said in an informal discussion with reporters on Wednesday that a grievance redressal app would be launched before March 31 for the convenience of the people and administrative mobility. Citizens do not have to come to the Municipal Office. Essential services can be accessed using online facilities. This experiment was successful while working in two municipalities. He also indicated that the project will be accelerated in Nagpur. The project will be undertaken only after seeing the financing of the Corporation. The Commissioner also announced the intention of strengthening the financial resources of the Corporation.

Mundhe said, "Empowering the city to make it affordable and economical will be a special focus. Efforts will be made to ensure that all groups, including youth, women and graduates, make a living. It will require good education, employment for the youth, industry etc. Good gardens, good transportation, etc. will also be taken care of. The Grievance Redressal App will include a total of 60  to 70 services like cleaning, health and other services Mobile is widely used. Therefore, efforts will be made to ensure that these services can be accessed at home and not disturbed by the citizens. In the last two days, various departments and projects were taken. Started giving some instructions too. The quality of transport services in the city will be informed as to whether the route can be closed. It will be studied if the feeder bus service will benefit from the metro arrival. Your goal is to make the city better. Creating a ‘work culture’ is a priority. When complaints are received, they should be resolved promptly. 'Look, do,' will not run, irregularities will not be ignored. "Wait two months," said Mundhe, on whether to start a Walk with Commissioner program, popular in Nashik. Meanwhile, in the morning, the Commissioners reviewed the sections of Orange City Street, Water Supply, Slum Department.

Shrubs in the accounting section

Commissioner Mundhe visited the Accounts and Finance Department at around 4pm. At the entrance, Dumaji Bangade, a retired employee, came in for an overdue amount. He told Munde that he had been roaming the office for two years and had no money. Therefore, Mundhe did well to ask the concerned staff of the department for reasons. They spent about half an hour getting information from staff working in this department. They felt angry that the work was unsatisfactory. Not a single employee in this department sat in a chair until he was in the Commissioner's office. Upon receiving information that the Commissioner was conducting the inspection, the employees who had gone on the chariot came to the office in a hurry So, there was a huge rush in the yard of the headquarters to see the commissioners.

Employees half an hour in the office

In the wake of the fear of Commissioner Mundhe, the Manat was present in all the departments half an hour ago on Wednesday. At 9.30 am, Commissioner Mundhe came to the office. Before they arrived, staff members appeared in their respective departments. Till now, employees of Municipal Corporation have been present in the office till 10.50. Many times the staff were seen 'punching' in the running. Now, the staff was coming to the office just ahead of time

नितीन गडकरीनी उद्योगांना नवे एक्स्प्रेसवे प्रकल्पात पैसे देण्याचे आवाहन केले :संजय पाटील:

नितीन गडकरीनी उद्योगांना नवे एक्स्प्रेसवे प्रकल्पात पैसे देण्याचे आवाहन केले :संजय पाटील:

Image result for nitin gadkariनवी दिल्ली, २9  जानेवारी : द्वारा संजय पाटील : केंद्रीय मंत्री नितीन गडकरी यांनी बुधवारी उद्योजकांना पर्यायी इंधन, विद्युत महामार्ग आणि चार्जिंग स्टेशन या क्षेत्रांमध्ये असलेल्या आगामी 22  महामार्गांच्या संभाव्य संभाव्यतेचा फायदा घेण्याचे आवाहन केले.
रस्ते वाहतूक, महामार्ग आणि एमएसएमई मंत्री म्हणाले की दिल्ली-मुंबई द्रुतगती महामार्गावरील सुमारे १ लाख कोटी रुपये प्रकल्प एलएनजी स्थानक, इलेक्ट्रिक चार्जिंग स्टेशन किंवा पेट्रोल पंप स्थापित करण्यास इच्छुक असणा .्यांना  त्वरित हक्काची सुविधा देऊ शकतात.

एफआयसीसीआयच्या 'फ्यूचर इंधन फॉर ट्रान्सपोर्टेशन' या विषयावरील परिषदेला संबोधित करताना मंत्री म्हणाले की, एलएनजीसह  2,000 हजार पेट्रोल पंप उभारण्याची योजना सुरु आहे.

“आम्ही दिल्ली-मुंबई द्रुतगती महामार्गासह 22 नवीन एक्सप्रेस महामार्ग तयार करीत आहोत. 22 पैकी सात प्रकल्पांवर काम सुरू झाले असून या उद्योगास मोठी संधी आहे. "जर लोकांना पुढे यायचे असेल तर आम्ही विशेषत: दिल्ली-मुंबई द्रुतगती महामार्गावर योग्य मार्गाची ऑफर देऊ शकतो जे आम्ही तीन वर्षांत पूर्ण करू," असे मंत्री म्हणाले.

गडकरी म्हणाले की, दिल्ली-मुंबई द्रुतगती महामार्गावरील विद्युत महामार्गाच्या विस्ताराची योजना सुरू असून १ लाख कोटी रुपयांच्या एक्स्प्रेसवे प्रकल्पासाठी जमीन अधिग्रहण पूर्ण झाले आहे.

ते म्हणाले की, पुढच्या महिन्यात ते ई-हायवे पाहण्यासाठी स्वीडनला जात आहेत आणि महामार्गांना ई-हायवेमध्ये रूपांतरित करण्याच्या गुंतवणूकीसाठी लोकांना  त्यांचे स्वागत आहे.

ते म्हणाले, "आरबीआयने आम्हाला आश्वासन दिले आहे की ते आम्हाला 30 वर्षांसाठी पायाभूत सुविधा कर्ज घेण्यास परवानगी देतील. म्हणून जर एखादा बँकेबल प्रकल्प 30 वर्षांसाठी असेल तर कर्जाची रक्कम 13-18 वर्षात वाढविली जाईल. दोन वर्षे असतील प्रकल्प पूर्ण झाल्यानंतर अधिस्थगन कालावधी. जेव्हा तीन वर्षांनी टोल वसुली सुरू होईल, तेव्हा आम्ही एस्क्रो खाते उघडू. विशिष्ट एस्क्रो खात्यात रक्कम जमा केली जाईल. "

मंत्री म्हणाले की सध्या एनएचएआयकडे असे 480 सुरक्षित, बँकेबल प्रकल्प असून एसबीआयने दिलेली कर्ज देण्यास आणखी पाच बँका इच्छुक आहेत.

ते म्हणाले, “रहदारीनुसार आम्ही एस्क्रो खात्यात पैसे जमा करत राहू.

चालू आर्थिक वर्षात एनएचएआयचे वार्षिक उत्पन्न 40,000  कोटी रुपये होईल आणि येत्या काही वर्षांत ते १ लाख कोटी रुपयांवर जाईल, असे ते म्हणाले.
Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Ajit Pawar Sanctioned less amount to Nagpur, Chandrapur and Sindhudurg of DPC Fund : Sanjay Patil

Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Ajit Pawar Sanctioned less amount to Nagpur, Chandrapur and Sindhudurg of DPC Fund : Sanjay Patil

DPC funds cut in Nagpur, Chandrapur and Sindhudurg districts: Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar | नागपूर, चंद्रपूर व सिंधुदुर्ग जिल्ह्यातील डीपीसीच्या निधीला कट : उपमुख्यमंत्री अजित पवार

By Sanjay Patil

226 0nly crore push to Nagpur

The state-led alliance has made the first push to the sub-continent by cutting district annual funds. Earlier, when Devendra Fadnavis was the Chief Minister, Nagpur city was getting a lot of funds from the state government. However, instead of raising funds, the new government has reduced the current fiscal by Rs 226 crore. Annual plans for both Chandrapur and Sindhudurg districts have also been cut.

Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Ajit Pawar reviewed the district-wise annual plan at a meeting of the Nagpur division on Tuesday. At a press conference organized after the meeting, he said that the funds of Nagpur, Chandrapur and Sindhudurg districts were cut.
'During the Fadnavis government, these three districts were not funded according to the formula. For this, the funding of the districts in the four divisions was reduced. Since then Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis of Nagpur, Finance Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar Chandrapur and Finance Minister Deepak Kesarkar belong to Sindhudurg, he has increased the annual plan in his own districts greatly. These districts were funded more. Now this extra funding has been stopped. "The previous government has been deducting due to lack of funds," Pawar claimed
“The existing Guardian Ministers in these three districts have demanded that the current financial year be funded. There is a plan of Rs. 9,500 crore for the districts of the state, which will increase slightly. Nitin Raut, Guardian Minister of Nagpur, Guardian Minister of Chandrapur Vijay Wadettiwar could not be satisfied, ”Ajit Pawar confessed.
“In a district like Nagpur, there are three ministers, MPs and MLAs. Therefore, the next budget will consider how to make more funds under other titles. We will discuss this in a cabinet meeting on Wednesday. A decision will be taken after a discussion with Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray. "No injustice will be done to Nagpur-Vidarbha," Ajit Pawar said.

555 crore reduction in four districts

Annual plan of Nagpur is Rs 525 crore. In fact, it was expected to have a plan of Rs 237 crore. The government paid Rs 288 crore more. At present, Nagpur has a plan of Rs.299.52 While Chandrapur district was expected to pay Rs 215 crore, Rs 357 crore was given. This year, a plan of Rs. 223.60 Sindhudurg district increased from Rs 113 crore to Rs 112 crore instead of Rs 225 crore. At this time, the scheme will be Rs. With an annual plan of Rs 118.55 crore in Nagpur district, Rs 226 crore in Chandrapur district and Rs 152 crore in Sindhudurg district, and Rs 107 crore in Wardha district, about Rs 190 crore will be deducted in 120 districts.

Decision on debt relief soon

'The information required for Mahatma Phule Farmers Debt Relief Scheme has not yet been received It is not clear if the beneficiary and the amount will be funded. Money will be credited to the farmers' loan account. The Cabinet will take a decision after the report of a committee set up to establish a policy on debt repayments of up to Rs 2 lakh and regular repayments, ”said Ajit Pawar.

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

The Great Man of the Era : Tukaram Mundhe takes charge as new NMC chief: Sanay Patil

The Great Man of the Era : Tukaram Mundhe takes charge as new NMC chief: Sanay Patil

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NAGPUR:by Sanay Patil : Known for frequent transfers, IAS officer of 2005 batch, Tukaram Mundhe on Tuesday took charge as the new municipal  comm. of Nagpur's civic body NMC.After assuming charge, Mundhe took a review meeting with heads of various departments. Then he attended the inauguration ceremony of Metro Rail Reach 3.

As soon as he entered the premises of the  (NMC), Mundhe reportedly expressed displeasure over the parking of vehicles.
Mundhe replaced Abhijit Bangar. Outgoing municipal commissioner was not present when Mundhe took charge. Bangar was in Mumbai on Monday to attend two meetings organised by speaker Nana Patole and did not return.
The state government had replaced Bangar with Mundhe a week ago. Bangar is yet to get a new posting. He has been transferred for Mundhe within 14 months.
Mundhe has been transferred 13 times in his 15-year-long career. His posting at NMC is 14th transfer.
Earlier, he had worked as the chief executive officer of zilla parishad for a short period of time.

नागपूर - द्वारा: संजय पाटील:  अधिकारी तुकाराम मुंढे यांनी मंगळवारी नागपूरच्या नागरी नागरी मंडळाचे नवे पालिका आयुक्त म्हणून पदभार स्वीकारला.
कार्यभार स्वीकारल्यानंतर मुंढे यांनी विविध विभाग प्रमुखांशी आढावा बैठक घेतली. त्यानंतर त्यांनी मेट्रो रेल पोहोच 3 च्या उद्घाटन सोहळ्याला हजेरी लावली.

नागपूर महानगरपालिकेच्या आवारात प्रवेश करताच मुंढे यांनी वाहनांच्या पार्किंगबाबत नाराजी व्यक्त केली.
अभिजीत बांगर यांच्याऐवजी मुंढे यांनी घेतली. मुंडे यांनी कार्यभार स्वीकारला असता निवर्तमान नगरपालिका आयुक्त अभिजित बांगर उपस्थित नव्हते. बांगर सोमवारी मुंबई येथे स्पीकर नाना पटोले यांनी आयोजित केलेल्या दोन सभांना उपस्थित होते व ते परत आले नाहीत.
राज्य सरकारने आठवड्याभरापूर्वी बांगर यांची जागा मुंढे यांच्याऐवजी घेतली होती. बांगर यांना अद्याप नवीन पोस्टिंग मिळालेले नाही. 14 महिन्यांच्या आत त्यांची मुंडे यांच्या बदली झाली आहे.

१ वर्षांच्या कारकीर्दीत मुंढे यांची  13 वेळा बदली झाली आहे. मनपा येथे त्यांची पोस्टिंग 14 वे स्थानांतर आहे.
यापूर्वी त्यांनी जिल्हा परिषदेचे मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी म्हणून अल्पावधीसाठी काम केले होते.

Important : -----

नागिरीकोकी शीकायतें दूर करणे के लिये रोज लागेगा दरबार 

रोज श्याम चार बाजे से पांच बाजे तक जनता दरबार लागेगा , नागरिक सीधे आयुक्त से मिल कर ते शिकायत सून शकते है . इसके लिये पूर्व  अनुमती कि जरुरत नाही  रहेगी. उनसे सिदा  मिलंने और अपनी समस्या बताणें से अब  कोयी मुश्किल नाही रहेगी  
t will take daily for the removal of Nagirikoki grievances

Every day  will be in the public court from four o'clock to five o'clock. Citizens can hear the complaint directly with the Commissioner. No prior permission is required. Meeting them and explaining their problems will no longer be difficult.

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The only leader Nitin Raut running in the opposite direction of the river: Sanjay Patil

The only leader Nitin Raut running in the opposite direction of the river: Sanjay Patil

Image result for engry picture of nitin rout

By Sanjay Patil : Nagpur :The only leader running in the opposite direction of the river is  Nitin Raut

While Maamatro's Aqualine was inaugurated, Nagpur's Guardian Minister Dr. Nitin Raut's 'off' mood was witnessed to the attendees. Due to the lack of a name in the advertisements of Mahamatro, which was published in newspapers, the Guardian Minister was angry with the Metro administration. At the same time, former Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and Union Minister Nitin Gadkari took oath at a public function.
The Metro was inaugurated on Tuesday from Lokmannagar to Sitabardi. Ministers from the previous state government and the current development front government were present at the event. All these leaders acknowledged that everyone had worked for development beyond party differences. Home Minister Anil Deshmukh said that Nagpur had a lot of development during Fadnavis. Sunil Kedar said that the development and politics in Nagpur was a good harmony. Not only that, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray and Eknath Shinde also praised Gadkari and Fadnavis. Fadnavis and Gadkari also mentioned the contribution of all party leaders. Gadkari also announced in the speech that I and Fadnavis were with the ministers in the present government. All the leaders seemed to support each other's work beyond the party.

However, the Guardian Minister Dr. Nitin Raut sets the tone apart from others.
How much employment did you get in Mihan ?

The Guardian Minister said that there was a need to research exactly how many industries have come up during Fadnavis. Nitin Gadkari had attended the event at Yashwant Stadium in connection with Mihan. We also need to see how many people get employment in Mihan, ”said the Guardian Minister. Raut said. While all the leaders of Nagpur are expressing good feelings towards each other, the parents are surprised by the presence of different ministers.

Warns Metro

Meanwhile, at the beginning of the speech, Dr. Nitin Raut expresses his anger at the metro administration. Advertisements were served in metro publications. Even in those advertisements, the Guardian Minister Dr. Since Nitin Raut is not named, Guardian Minister Dr. Nitin Raut gets angry. He expressed his displeasure at the Ain address and warned the Metro administration not to do so again.
Gadkari pierced this displeasure of the Guardian Minister. He mentioned the efforts of the development of Nagpur during Fadnavis. In addition, Gadkari also commended Metro Managing Director Brijesh Dixit. Gadkari declared that Dikshit has done a very good job and after the completion of the metro project, he will have all-party civilian respect.

Protests showing the face of the metro

Accusations of financial misconduct in the work of Mahamatro, activists of 'Jai Jawan Jai Kisan' protested the administration of the metro. The activists had arrived in front of the Subhashnagar Metro station with a display of protest. There they also tried to shine a board. However, they were immediately taken into custody.

महामेट्रोच्या अॅक्वालाइनचे एकीकडे लोकार्पण होत असताना ऐन कार्यक्रमात नागपूरचे पालकमंत्री डॉ. नितीन राऊत यांच्या 'ऑफ' झालेल्या मूडचे दर्शन उपस्थित नागरिकांना घडले. वृत्तपत्रांमध्ये प्रसिद्ध झालेल्या महामेट्रोच्या जाहिरातींमध्ये आपले नाव नसल्याने पालकमंत्र्यांची मेट्रो प्रशासनावर खप्पामर्जी झाली. त्याचवेळी माजी मुख्यमंत्री देवेंद्र फडणवीस आणि केंद्रीय मंत्री नितीन गडकरी या दोन्ही नेत्यांवर त्यांनी जाहीर कार्यक्रमात शरसंधान केले.
लोकमान्यनगर ते सीताबर्डी या मार्गावरील मेट्रोचे लोकार्पण मंगळवारी करण्यात आले. या कार्यक्रमात उपस्थित आधीच्या राज्य सरकारमधील आणि सध्याच्या महाविकास आघाडी सरकारमधील मंत्री उपस्थित होते. या सर्व नेत्यांनी पक्षीय मतभेदांच्या पलीकडे जात विकासासाठी सगळ्यांनी विकासकामे केल्याची पावती दिली. फडणवीस यांच्या काळात नागपूरचा भरपूर विकास झाल्याचे गृहमंत्री अनिल देशमुख यांनी सांगितले. सुनील केदार यांनी नागपुरात विकास आणि राजकारण यांचा योग्य ताळमेळ असल्याचे मत व्यक्त केले. इतकेच नव्हे तर मुख्यमंत्री उद्धव ठाकरे आणि एकनाथ शिंदे यांनीदेखील गडकरी आणि फडणवीस यांच्या कामांची प्रशंसा केली. फडणवीस आणि गडकरी यांनीदेखील सर्वपक्षीय नेत्यांचे योगदान असल्याचे नमूद केले. सध्याच्या सरकारमध्ये मंत्री असलेल्यांच्या पाठीशी मी आणि फडणवीस असल्याचेही गडकरी यांनी भाषणात जाहीर केले. सर्वच नेते पक्षांच्या पलीकडे जात एकमेकांच्या कामांना दाद देत असल्याचे दिसून येत होते.
मात्र, पालकमंत्री डॉ. नितीन राऊत यांनी इतरांपेक्षा वेगळा सूर लावला.
मिहानमध्ये किती मिळाला रोजगार?
फडणवीस यांच्या काळात नेमके किती उद्योग आलेत, यावर संशोधन करण्याची गरज असल्याचे पालकमंत्री म्हणाले. नितीन गडकरी यांनी मिहानसंदर्भात यशवंत स्टेडियम येथे कार्यक्रम घेतला होता. नेमक्या किती लोकांना मिहानमध्ये रोजगार मिळाला, हे देखील बघायला हवे, असेही पालकमंत्री डॉ. राऊत म्हणाले. नागपुरातील सर्वच नेते एकमेकांबद्दल चांगल्या भावना व्यक्त करीत असताना पालकमंत्र्यांनी वेगळा सूर लावल्याने उपस्थितांमध्ये आश्चर्य व्यक्त होते.
मेट्रोला दिली ताकीद
दरम्यान, भाषणाच्या सुरुवातीलाच डॉ. नितीन राऊत यांनी मेट्रो प्रशासनावर आपला राग काढला. मेट्रो लोकार्पणाच्या वृत्तपत्रांमध्ये जाहिराती देण्यात आल्या. त्या जाहिरातींमध्येही पालकमंत्री डॉ. नितीन राऊत यांचे नाव नसल्याने पालकमंत्री डॉ. नितीन राऊत यांना राग आला. ऐन भाषणात त्यांनी याबाबत नाराजी व्यक्त केली आणि असे पुन्हा होऊ नये, अशी सक्त ताकीदही मेट्रो प्रशासनाला दिली.
पालकमंत्र्यांच्या या नाराजीनाट्याला गडकरी यांनी छेद दिला. फडणवीस यांच्या काळात नागपूरच्या विकासासाठी झालेल्या प्रयत्नांचा त्यांनी उल्लेख केला. या शिवाय, मेट्रोचे व्यवस्थापकीय संचालक ब्रिजेश दीक्षित यांनाही गडकरी यांनी प्रशस्तीपत्र दिले. दीक्षित यांनी अत्यंत चांगले काम केले असून, मेट्रो प्रकल्प पूर्ण झाल्यावर त्यांचा सर्वपक्षीय नागरी सत्कार करू, असेही गडकरी यांनी जाहीर करून टाकले.
मेट्रोचा फलक दाखवून निषेध
महामेट्रोच्या कामात आर्थिक गैरव्यवहार झाल्याचा आरोप करीत 'जय जवान जय किसान' संघटनेच्या कार्यकर्त्यांनी मेट्रो प्रशासनाचा निषेध केला. सुभाषनगर मेट्रो स्टेशनसमोर निषेधाचा फलक घेऊन हे कार्यकर्ते पोहोचले होते. तेथे त्यांनी फलक झळकविण्याचाही प्रयत्न केला. मात्र, त्यांना लगेचच ताब्यात घेण्यात आले.

Monday, 27 January 2020

State to Review its Power Tariff Hike Plan -Nitin  Raut

State to Review its Power Tariff Hike Plan -Nitin Raut

Image result for nitin raut nagpur

Nagpur: By Sanjay Patil: State power minister Nitin Raut said he has issued directives to review the tariff hike proposal put up before the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC).
The outgoing power secretary had come up with a proposal to hike the tariff which was initially agreed upon. However, as an after thought, it appeared that the increase is not warranted. Orders have been issued to review the move, the minister told on the sidelines of a function hosted by Vidarbha Industries Association .
“The government will ensure that the common man will not be affected due to any move to revise electricity tariff in the state. However, to ensure a lower tariff, steps will also have to be taken for reducing the cost of generation,” said Raut.
RB Goenka, vice-president of VIA and also the organization’s adviser on power sector, said the proposal includes a revenue demand of Rs60,000 crore to be recovered over a period of five years. On an average, it would lead to an increase in power bills by 7% to 8%, he said.
Since the tariff hike petition has already been put up before the MERC, the government will now have to either submit a review petition or withdraw the existing plea under section 108 of the Maharashtra State Electricity Act 2003, citing public interest. MERC has already issued notices to hear objections over the state’s tariff hike proposal, said Goenka.
MERC is a quasi judicial body whose approval is needed to implement any power hike, including that by the state government-owned power utilities.
Earlier addressing the VIA members, Raut said, “The state’s power utilities have pending due to the tune of Rs35,000 crore from the farm sector. There are plans to come up with a scheme under which the dues can be repaid on easy terms by the farmers. At the same time, there are sizeable dues from the government organizations also. Strict action would be taken against these type of defaulters like power cut during some parts of the day,”
Raut, who is also Nagpur’s guardian minister, said, “The previous government considered promoting solar power as a threat to the thermal electricity plants. The contention was that if the use of solar power goes up, the thermal plants can break down due to reduction in load factor.”
“The revival after that leads involves a major expenditure. However, it cannot be so. The state’s generation units do not supply power in Maharashtra alone. The plants can function on the load due to demand from other states too. Our government will not have an anti-solar power policy,” he said.
Raut said he has also directed the divisional commissioner (Nagpur) to form a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to revive the national industrial and manufacturing zone (NIMZ) at Bhiwapur that was planned during the Congress-NCP rule. “Already, 2,600 hectares of land have been acquired for the project and power supply can be arranged too,” he said.
नागपूर: महाराष्ट्र विद्युत नियामक आयोगासमोर (एमईआरसी) मांडलेल्या जाचक दरवाढीच्या प्रस्तावाचे पुनरावलोकन करण्याचे निर्देश दिल्याचे राज्याचे ऊर्जामंत्री नितीन राऊत यांनी सांगितले.
जाणारे उर्जा सचिव यांनी दर वाढीचा प्रस्ताव आणला होता ज्यावर सुरुवातीला सहमती झाली होती. तथापि, विचार केल्यानंतर, असे दिसून आले की ही वाढ नाही. विदर्भ इंडस्ट्रीज असोसिएशनने (व्हीआयए) आयोजित केलेल्या कार्यक्रमाच्या वेळी मंत्री टीओआयला म्हणाले की, या निर्णयाचा आढावा घेण्याचे आदेश देण्यात आले आहेत.
“राज्यात वीज दरात बदल करण्याच्या कोणत्याही निर्णयामुळे सर्वसामान्यांना त्रास होणार नाही याची खात्री सरकार करेल. तथापि, कमी दर निश्चित करण्यासाठी, उत्पादन खर्च कमी करण्यासाठीही पावले उचलण्याची गरज आहे, ”राऊत म्हणाले.
व्हीआयएचे उपाध्यक्ष आणि वीज क्षेत्रावरील संस्थेचे सल्लागार आरबी गोएंका म्हणाले की, या प्रस्तावात पाच वर्षांच्या कालावधीत वसूल करण्याची 60,000 कोटी रुपयांच्या महसुली मागणीचा समावेश आहे. ते म्हणाले की, वीज बिलांमध्ये सरासरी 7% ते 8% वाढ होते.
दर वाढीची याचिका एमईआरसीसमोर ठेवण्यात आली असल्याने आता सरकारला एकतर आढावा याचिका सादर करावी लागणार आहे किंवा जनहिताचा हवाला देऊन महाराष्ट्र राज्य विद्युत अधिनियम 2003 च्या कलम 108 नुसार विद्यमान याचिका मागे घ्यावी लागेल. राज्याच्या भाडेवाढीच्या प्रस्तावावर आक्षेप घेण्यासाठी एमईआरसीने यापूर्वीच नोटिसा बजावल्या आहेत, असे गोएंका म्हणाले.
एमईआरसी ही एक अर्ध न्यायिक संस्था आहे, ज्याची राज्य सरकारच्या मालकीच्या वीज उपयोगितांसह कोणत्याही वीज दरवाढीच्या अंमलबजावणीसाठी मंजूरी आवश्यक आहे.
त्याआधी व्हीआयए सदस्यांना संबोधित करताना राऊत म्हणाले, “शेती क्षेत्राकडून मिळणार्‍या 35,000 कोटी रुपयांच्या रकमेमुळे राज्यातील वीज उपयोगिता प्रलंबित आहेत. अशी योजना आखण्याची योजना आहे ज्या अंतर्गत शेतक farmers्यांद्वारे थकबाकीदारांना सोप्या अटींवर परतफेड करता येईल. त्याचबरोबर सरकारी संस्थांकडूनही मोठ्या प्रमाणात थकबाकी घेतली जाते. दिवसाच्या काही भागात वीज कट सारख्या प्रकारच्या डिफॉल्टर्सवर कडक कारवाई केली जाईल, ”
नागपूरचे पालकमंत्री असलेले राऊत म्हणाले, “मागील सरकारने सौरऊर्जेला प्रोत्साहन देणे औष्णिक वीज प्रकल्पांना धोका दर्शविले होते. मत असा आहे की सौरऊर्जेचा वापर वाढल्यास भारनियमन घटण्यामुळे औष्णिक प्रकल्प तुटू शकतात. ”
“त्यानंतरच्या पुनरुज्जीवनात मोठा खर्च होतो. तथापि, तसे होऊ शकत नाही. राज्यातील जनरेटिंग युनिट्स एकट्या महाराष्ट्रात वीजपुरवठा करत नाहीत. इतर राज्यांकडूनदेखील मागणी केल्यामुळे रोपे लोडवर कार्य करू शकतात. आमच्या सरकारकडे सौरऊर्जाविरोधी धोरण असणार नाही, ”ते म्हणाले.

कॉंग्रेस-राष्ट्रवादीच्या कारकीर्दीत आखण्यात आलेल्या भिवापूर येथे राष्ट्रीय औद्योगिक व उत्पादन क्षेत्र (एनआयएमझेड) पुनरुज्जीवित करण्यासाठी विभागीय आयुक्त (नागपूर) यांना विशेष प्रयोजन वाहन (एसपीव्ही) तयार करण्याचे निर्देशही त्यांनी दिले आहेत, असे राऊत म्हणाले. “या प्रकल्पासाठी यापूर्वी २,00०० हेक्टर जमीन अधिग्रहित करण्यात आली आहे आणि वीजपुरवठादेखील करता येईल,” ते म्हणाले