Sanjay Patil : भाइयों काफी किताबों में ढूंढने के बाद बड़ी मुश्किल से कोरोना वायरस की दवा मिली है, हम लोग कोरोना वायरस की दवा ना जाने कहां-कहां ढूंढते रहे लेकिन कोरोना वायरस की दवा इंटरमीडिएट की जन्तु विज्ञान की किताब में दी गई है जिस वैज्ञानिक ने इस बीमारी के बारे में लिखा है उसने ही इसके इलाज के बारे में भी लिखा है और यह कोई नई बीमारी नहीं है इसके बारे में तो पहले से ही इंटरमीडिएट की किताब में बताया गया है साथ में इलाज भी। कभी-कभी ऐसा होता है कि डॉक्टर और वैज्ञानिक बड़ी-बड़ी किताबों के चक्कर में छोटे लेवल की किताबों पर ध्यान नहीं देते और यहां ऐसा ही हुआ है।
भाइयों यह कोई फेक न्यूज़ नहीं है इसलिए मेरी आप से यह विनती है कि इस दवा को ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेयर करें ताकि किसी कोरोना वायरस से ग्रसित मरीज का इलाज हो सके।
(किताब- जन्तु विज्ञान, लेखक- डॉ रमेश गुप्ता, पेज नं-1072)
(Book - Zoology, Author - Dr. Ramesh Gupta, Page No-1072)
Brothers have found the Corona virus drug very hard after finding it in the books, we kept looking for where to go but not the Corona virus drug. He has written about the treatment of it, and it is not a new disease. Has been treated as well. Sometimes it happens that doctors and scientists do not pay attention to books of small levels in the circulation of big books and this is what has happened here.
Brethren, this is not a fake news, so I urge you to share as much of this medicine as possible to cure a patient with corona virus.
(किताब- जन्तु विज्ञान, लेखक- डॉ रमेश गुप्ता, पेज नं-1072)
(Book - Zoology, Author - Dr. Ramesh Gupta, Page No-1072)
This Page Describes That
Pneumonia disease get develops after having secondary infection. This disease can also affect small kids and old citizen that may also cause death . It may also have adverse effects like cold, headache, fever, cough, sneezing and many more similar muscular pains. These symptoms are of virus infection. After three day percolation in cubation period gets started and stays till three to seven days. For the treatment of the starting of the epic disease Amantadine medicine are gainful.
Common cold is formed through to many types of viruses. It has seventy five percent of rhinovirus and remaining of coronavirus. It happens at times of seasonal change of climate and also in winters. The main causes of this epic disease are swelling in the inspirational mucus membrane, bitterness in the nasal cavity, running nose, sneezing, sore throat, etc, remains for a week. If you are suffering from cough it will remain for two weeks.
The infection of the disease is caused by sneezing through the air points. In addition, if the infected person is at the door and touches the handle, knobs then the particles of virus gets stuck there and the healthy person gets infected by the disease. This is because the disease is fomite born infection. The treatment for this disease, Aspirin, Anti-histamines, nasal spray, etc., is gainful.
my Teleohone No . is 9890423224, 7020050240 Sanjay Patil
The infection of the disease is caused by sneezing through the air points. In addition, if the infected person is at the door and touches the handle, knobs then the particles of virus gets stuck there and the healthy person gets infected by the disease. This is because the disease is fomite born infection. The treatment for this disease, Aspirin, Anti-histamines, nasal spray, etc., is gainful.
my Teleohone No . is 9890423224, 7020050240 Sanjay Patil
For many in Europe, the virus outbreak has been a shocking new development with a rapid rise in cases in the last few weeks. But for many across Asia, the uncertainty and concerns around the coronavirus have been a part of life for almost three months.
ReplyDeleteNorth Korea's state newspaper the Rodong Sinmun has called for "unconditional and absolute" adherence to coronavirus quarantine regulations, reported South Korean news outlet Yonhap.
ReplyDeleteThe article is reportedly seen as a warning to officials - it warned them against seeking privileges, saying the rules applied equally to everyone with no exceptions.
North Korea claims there are no virus cases in the country, though this has been seriously questioned by experts.
Many countries including the UK, the US, and here in Singapore as well, advise people not to wear face masks unless they're sick. This follows official advice from the World Health Organization, and it's why in these countries you'll see few people on the streets wearing masks.
ReplyDeleteBut in some places such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan, wearing a mask has become a major social norm and literally everyone wears one in public. Some parts of China even punish people for not wearing a mask.
Those who argue for mass mask-wearing say it's necessary because people who otherwise look healthy may be unwitting asymptomatic carriers of the virus. But others say this can result in mask shortages and deprive those who truly need it, such as the sick and healthcare professionals.
It's become a controversial subject, and there have been reported cases of people wearing masks being shunned or even attacked in countries where mask-wearing is not the norm. Meanwhile in China and South Korea, non-mask wearers risk being stigmatised and may even be blocked from entering buildings or shops.
We told you about dramatic moves from Singapore Airlines earlier, now Turkish Airlines has said it will halt all its international flights by Friday, except those to Hong Kong, Moscow, Ethiopia, New York and Washington.
ReplyDeleteThe carrier said 85% of its passenger planes were not currently in use.
It comes after Turkey banned flights from more than 60 countries due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The announcement by Turkish Airlines follows similar moves by major airlines around the world.
US President Donald Trump has again referred to Covid-19 as the "Chinese virus", despite criticism from Beijing that the term is racist.
ReplyDeleteHe used the term in a tweet to US Senator Rand Paul, wishing him a speedy recovery.
Mr Paul became the first US senator to test positive for the virus.
Saudi Arabia's King Salman has ordered a nationwide curfew starting on Monday after a spike in coronavirus infections.
ReplyDeleteThe curfew is from 7pm to 6am for 21 days according to state news agency SPA.
Meanwhile the United Arab Emirates has suspended all passenger and transit flights in and out of the country.
All shopping centres will shut and restaurants will only do delivery services.
The city of New York has more than 15,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus - accounting for roughly 5% of the cases worldwide.