Sanjay Patil : Nagpur : Though the essential services will continue to operate, several ‘social distancing’ measures also have been put into effect by the administrative authorities as well as the society, to fight Coronavirus. Dr Nitin Raut, Guardian Minister of district, asked the people to use WhatsApp or e-mail to get in touch with him instead of meeting in person.
“Every citizen must follow the instructions issued by the Central and State Governments, and local administration to combat Coronavirus scare. People should avoid visiting my camp office at Ravi Bhavan Cottage No 5 and Bezonbagh Camp Office till March 31,” he stated in a press release. Barring the urgent matters, people should send their memorandums, complaints, suggestions to WhatsApp numbers 9970283011, 9766393888, or 9421717247 or e-mail those to guardianministerngp@gmail.com, Dr Raut stated in a press release. He appealed to the people to mention their mobile phone number on the memorandums, complaints, suggestions sent to the above-mentioned numbers/e-mail id. People may also get in touch with Dr Raut’s office by dialling following numbers -- Ravi Bhavan (0712-2553557) or Bezonbagh Camp Office (0712-2631111).
The Central Jail authorities have imposed restrictions on relatives meeting prisoners. The restrictions have been imposed following the suggestion of Anil Deshmukh, Home Minister. There are 2,450 prisoners in Nagpur Central Jail and relatives come to meet them. Apart from restricting relatives from meeting prisoners, the prisoners who visit courts and hospitals are being given entry only after washing their hands thoroughly with soap and water. In 35 barracks in prison, soap and hand-wash have been made available to prisoners. Masks have been provided to the prison staff that comes in contact with prisoners regularly as part of duty.
Regional Transport Office (RTO) has rescheduled appointments for learning license given to applicants. These appointments till March 31 have been rescheduled to the next month. Accordingly, text messages have been sent to the registered mobile phone numbers of the applicants.
The applicants who have not received messages, should check the status of their applications on the website parivahan.gov.in and the applicants whose learning licences are expiring by March 31, 2020, should remain present at RTO as per the appointments given for test of permanent license, appealed Regional Transport Officer, Nagpur (Rural). Further, the said office has postponed the learning license test camps scheduled previously on March 20 at Umred, March 23 at Ramtek, and March 27 at Mouda. Only the works relating to license renewal, re-registration of vehicles, renewal of fitness certificate will be done in the office till March 31. Maharashtra Nabhik Mahamandal’s Nagpur unit also announced that the hair saloons in Nagpur district would remain closed for three days starting Thursday (till Saturday) as part of measures to curb spread of Coronavirus infection.
Bhagwanrao Bidwe, President; Prabhakarrao Fulbandhe, General Secretary; Dattaji Anarase, State President; Ambadas Patil, State Working President; Bandubhau Raut, State Vice-President; Shyam Askarkar, Vidarbha President; Ganpatrao Chaudhary, District President, stated in a press release that the decision was taken keeping in mind the larger social interest and to ensure safe health of the saloon workers. Some tough measures also have been initiated to curb carelessness of people at public places. Nuisance Detection Squad of Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC), on Thursday, recovered fine of Rs 5,000/- from the people who were found spitting in a busy public place -- Samvidhan Square. The action was taken against 27 persons.
The team led by Virsen Tambe, In-charge of Nuisance Detection Squad, took the action under the guidance of Tukaram Mundhe, Municipal Commissioner. The action was taken as communicable diseases spread through sputum or nasal fluids. Fine of Rs 4,600/- was recovered from 24 others who were found spitting on roads from Madhya Pradesh State Transport Corporation buses, city buses, auto-rickshaw drivers, car-drivers, and truck-drivers. Penalty was recovered from four other persons for throwing waste on road. Tukaram Mundhe, Municipal Commissioner, also has taken a lead to create awareness about precautionary measures to be taken to curb spread of Coronavirus.
A message has been recorded in his voice to appeal to the people to stay safe, not to panic, avoid hand-shake, not to spit at public place, and use soap and clean water to wash hands. The appeal will be played through loud-speakers mounted atop the garbage collection vehicles, from Friday. These vehicles regularly play the song ‘Gaadiwaala aaya ghar se kachra nikal...’ The recorded message of Municipal Commissioner will be played through public address system at 51 major traffic junctions in the city, under Nagpur Smart City project. Already, various temples have announced closure. Various social organisations also are adopting ‘social distancing’. Vanrai Foundation announced that its office shall remain closed till March 22 (Sunday). The decision was taken amid Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Depending upon the situation, stated a press release issued by Ajay Patil, Vice-President, Vanrai Foundation, the closure might be extended further and people would be informed accordingly.
What’s open and what’s closed till March 31 in Nagpur district
OPEN -- Hospitals, petrol pumps, grocery stores, weekly markets, vegetable markets, chemist shops, milk booths, daily needs stores, stationery stores and other small shops, airports, railway stations, bus-stands. CLOSED -- Shopping malls, cinema halls, gyms, swimming pools, marriage halls, auditoriums, beer shoppe, wine shops, permit rooms, bar and restaurants, clubs, country liquor shops, restaurants and paan-kiosks.
TC tests negative, traveller tests positive at Telengana
Even as railway administration has heaved a sigh of relief as the hospitalised ticket checker (TC) has tested negative for Coronavirus at Chandrapur, a traveller on board Sampark Kranti Express has tested positive for COVID-19 in neighbouring Telengana. The TC, incidentally, had been on duty in the same train in which the traveller was and hence on Wednesday the latter was promptly quarantined and isolated. Now, for railway officials a bigger worry is to trace other passengers who were travelling in S-9 coach of Train No. 12708 on March 13, ex-Nagpur to Ramagundam, where the COVID-19 patient had deboarded on early morning of March 14. The patient, after reaching home, reported sick and his test results then came positive sounding alarm in State health administration. The TC was traced at Ballarshah where he had already reported about mild fever and loose motions on Wednesday evening. Hence as a matter of precaution, railway doctors, on directions of senior officers, referred him to Chandrapur for quarantine. With his test reports received on Thursday, mentioned him negative for Coronavirus, he is likely to be discharged from the hospital. Meanwhile, on March 17, Director, Public Health and Family Welfare, Hyderabad, had written to Deputy Chief Commercial Manager, PRS, Secunderabad Division, SCR, seeking details of co-passengers saying they are vulnerable to COVID 19 infection, as one of the travellers has tested positive in the State.
City’s first COVID-19 positive patient tests negative twice The person, who was the first Coronavirus positive patient in city and under observation at Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital (IGGMCH) since then has now tested negative. His samples were tested in lab twice and were found negative on both occasions. According to the standard protocol, if a COVID-19 positive person tests negative twice consecutively, he is considered out of danger. Of course, he will be examined by pulmonologist who is supposed to make the evaluation of his chest. His other blood tests also will be examined and if they are found normal, he would be discharged probably on condition of home quarantine. Meanwhile, 23 samples that were examined at the laboratory at Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital tested negative.
करोना विषाणूचा प्रसार थांबवण्यासाठी शुक्रवारी मध्यरात्रीपासून शहरात ‘लॉकडाऊन’ (जीवनावश्यक सेवा वगळता सर्व सेवांवर बंदी) करण्यात आले आहे. या काळात नागरिकांनी कामाशिवाय घराबाहेर न पडता प्रशासनाला सहकार्य करावे, असे आवाहन पालकमंत्री नितीन राऊत यांनी शुक्रवारी विभागीय आयुक्त कार्यालयातील पत्रकार परिषदेत दिले.
ReplyDeleteकरोना विषाणूचा प्रसार संसर्गातून होत असल्याने प्रशासनाने सुरुवातीला गर्दी होणारी ठिकाणे बंद केली होती. खबरदारीचा उपाय म्हणून शहरात १४४ कलम लागू करण्यात आले. मात्र त्यानंतरही सार्वजनिक ठिकाणी होणारी वर्दळ अपेक्षेइतकी कमी होत नसल्याने राज्यशासनाने मुंबई, पुणे, पिंपरी चिंचवड सह नागपुरातही शुक्रवारी मध्यरात्रीपासून ‘लॉकडाऊन’ करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे. या काळात जीवनावश्यक वस्तूंचा पुरवठा करणाऱ्या सेवा व सुविधांचा अपवाद सोडला तर सर्व सेवा बंद केल्या जातील. या परिस्थितीला तोंड देण्यासाठी नागरिकांनी सहकार्य करावे, असे आवाहन नितीन राऊत यांनी केले.
करोना संशयितांवर उपचार करणाऱ्या आरोग्य कर्मचाऱ्यांना आवश्यक त्या सर्व सुविधा उपलब्ध करून दिल्या जाईल, असे त्यांनी स्पष्ट केले. या पत्रकार परिषदेला विभागीय आयुक्त संजीवकुमार, पोलीस आयुक्त भूषणकुमार उपाध्याय, जिल्हाधिकारी रवींद्र ठाकरे व महापालिका आयुक्त तुकाराम मुंढे उपस्थित होते.
नागपूर : करोना विषाणूने संपूर्ण देशाला विळखा घातला असून तिकीट रद्द करणाऱ्यांची संख्या वाढत आहे. त्याचा परिणाम म्हणून रेल्वेने गेल्या तीन दिवसांपासून नागपूरमार्गे धावणाऱ्या अनेकगाडय़ा रद्द करण्यास सुरुवात केली आहे. आज शुक्रवारी पुन्हा नऊ गाडय़ा रद्द करण्यात आल्या. गुरुवारी दहा गाडय़ा रद्द करण्यात आल्या होत्या. यामुळे रेल्वे वेळापत्रक कोसळले असून दर दिवशी ७ कोटी रुपयांचा तोटा सहन करावा लागत आहे.
ReplyDeleteनागपूरमार्गे आंध्रप्रदेश, उत्तर प्रदेश, बिहार, मध्यप्रदेश, तामिळनाडू या राज्यात आणि जम्मू-काश्मीर या केंद्र शासित प्रदेशात जाणाऱ्या नऊ रेल्वेगाडय़ा पुढील पुढील दोन आठवडे रद्द करण्यात आल्याचे शुक्रवारी जाहीर करण्यात आले. रद्द झालेल्या गाडय़ांमध्ये सिकंदराबाद – निझामुद्दीन एक्सप्रेस २२,२६ आणि २९ मार्चला रद्द करण्यात आली आहे. निझामुद्दीन-सिकंदराबाद एक्सप्रेस २३, २७ आणि ३० मार्चला धावणार नाही. तिरुपती-जम्मूतवी एक्सप्रेस २४ व ३१ मार्च रद्द तर जम्मूतवी-तिरुपती एक्सप्रेस २७ मार्च आणि ३ एप्रिलला रद्द, हैदराबाद-रक्सोल एक्सप्रेस २६ मार्च आणि रक्सोल-हैदराबाद एक्सप्रेस २२ मार्चला रद्द करण्यात आली. सिंकदराबाद-दरभंगा एक्सप्रेस २४, २८ व ३१ मार्च, दरभंगा-सिकंदराबाद एक्सप्रेस २४, २७ आणि ३१ मार्चला रद्द करण्यात आली. जबलपूर-तिरुनेलवेली साप्ताहिक गाडी २६ मार्च, तिरुनेलवेली-जबलपूर साप्ताहिक गाडी २८ मार्च, चेन्नई- छपरा एक्सप्रेस २१, २३, २८ व ३० मार्च रद्द करण्यात आली.
पालकमंत्र्यांचे नागरिकांना आवाहन; शहरातील स्थिती नियंत्रणात
ReplyDeleteनागपूर : करोना विषाणूचा प्रसार थांबवण्यासाठी शुक्रवारी मध्यरात्रीपासून शहरात ‘लॉकडाऊन’ (जीवनावश्यक सेवा वगळता सर्व सेवांवर बंदी) करण्यात आले आहे. या काळात नागरिकांनी कामाशिवाय घराबाहेर न पडता प्रशासनाला सहकार्य करावे, असे आवाहन पालकमंत्री नितीन राऊत यांनी शुक्रवारी विभागीय आयुक्त कार्यालयातील पत्रकार परिषदेत दिले.
करोना विषाणूचा प्रसार संसर्गातून होत असल्याने प्रशासनाने सुरुवातीला गर्दी होणारी ठिकाणे बंद केली होती. खबरदारीचा उपाय म्हणून शहरात १४४ कलम लागू करण्यात आले. मात्र त्यानंतरही सार्वजनिक ठिकाणी होणारी वर्दळ अपेक्षेइतकी कमी होत नसल्याने राज्यशासनाने मुंबई, पुणे, पिंपरी चिंचवड सह नागपुरातही शुक्रवारी मध्यरात्रीपासून ‘लॉकडाऊन’ करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे. या काळात जीवनावश्यक वस्तूंचा पुरवठा करणाऱ्या सेवा व सुविधांचा अपवाद सोडला तर सर्व सेवा बंद केल्या जातील. या परिस्थितीला तोंड देण्यासाठी नागरिकांनी सहकार्य करावे, असे आवाहन नितीन राऊत यांनी केले.
करोना संशयितांवर उपचार करणाऱ्या आरोग्य कर्मचाऱ्यांना आवश्यक त्या सर्व सुविधा उपलब्ध करून दिल्या जाईल, असे त्यांनी स्पष्ट केले. या पत्रकार परिषदेला विभागीय आयुक्त संजीवकुमार, पोलीस आयुक्त भूषणकुमार उपाध्याय, जिल्हाधिकारी रवींद्र ठाकरे व महापालिका आयुक्त तुकाराम मुंढे उपस्थित होते.
काय आहे ‘लॉकडाऊन’?
* जीवनावश्यक वस्तूंचा पुरवठा करणाऱ्या सेवांचा अपवाद सोडला तर सर्व सेवा बंद करण्यात येतील.
* दिवसा किंवा रात्रीही कामाशिवाय नागरिकांना बाहेर पडता येणार नाही.
* खासगी / सार्वजनिक वाहतूक बंद राहील
* दवाखाने, औषधाची दुकाने सुरू राहतील.
* सार्वजनिक ठिकाणांवरील वर्दळीवर प्रतिबंध
* नागरिकांच्या प्रभातफेरीवरही बंदी
बाहेरगावहून येणाऱ्यांची तपासणी
बाहेरगावहून नागपुरात येणाऱ्यांची टोल नाक्यावर तपासणी केली जाईल. तो संशयित आढळल्यास त्याला शहरात प्रवेश करू दिला जाणार नाही. सुरक्षेची उपाययोजना म्हणून हे पाऊल उचलण्यात आल्याचे राऊत यांनी स्पष्ट केले. शहरातील नागरिकांना याचा त्रास होऊ नये याची काळजी घेतली जाईल, असेही त्यांनी स्पष्ट केले.
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