Wednesday 5 February 2020

Prakash Gajbhiye Said,"Don't raise the market, make discipline for them: Sanjay Patil


Nagpur : Sanjay Patil :     Do not set up bazaars along the roads that sell fresh vegetables to Nagpurkar daily. Discipline them if needed. According to the population, due to the small number of markets in the city today, such places are being filled in the city. MLA Prakash Gajbhiye told Commissioner Tukaram Mundhe that there are 60 sidewalk shops in the city and let them do business in the same place by implementing the National Hawkers policy. At this time the Commissioner was given a copy of the Constitution as a gift and was welcomed with a shawl and a bouquet.

Even 25 percent of your participation funds are not available to finance large projects. Due to financial stress, it is difficult to run the municipality. The Commissioner informed the delegation that the meeting was going to be held in Mumbai on February 7 to find a way out.
At Gokulpeth Bazaar, about three and a half to four hundred vegetable farmers have been doing business for the last several years, nurturing the whole family. The Mantra expelled them without any arrangement for setting them up. Due to this, hundreds of vegetable farmers have become unemployed, and hunger strike has come upon them. For the last fifteen years, vegetable vendors have been staggering in this regard. According to the vending law of 2015  the Supreme Court and the Central Government and the law of the State Government, it is mandatory for the Hawkers to register them with permanent seats. Today the business of small businessmen and businessmen in the city should not be affected. The Commissioners were requested to make a statement that they should not be deleted unless alternative arrangements were made for them. The delegation included Gopi Ambore, Sandeep Shahu, Amir Chandra Jain, Bablu Malik, Jugal Thorat, Guddu Shahu, Akbar Bhai, Alexander Malik, Sandeep Guhe, Faujibhai, Anil Lakhe, Baba Charasia, Mithun Sheikh, Saiful Gul, Pintu Sheikh Gul, Pintu Malik, Pintu Malik, A large number of shopkeepers including Shamshad Malik, Tanveer Bhai and Minad Bhai were present.


Author: verified_user