Sanjay Patil : Nagpur : 13 may: Dr Nitin Raut, Guardian Minister, visited Radha Saomi Satsang Trust facility off Kalmeshwar Road and inspected the COVID Care Centre erected by Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC). Briefing the Minister, civic officials said that, the Satsang land can accommodate 5,000 patients and in first phase, 500 beds have been readied.
They further claimed that, this is the single biggest COVID care centre in the country. By taking over Satsang premises, NMC has kept itself in readiness to handle any major surge in new coronavirus positive patients in the city, Municipal Commissioner Tukaram Mundhe told Dr Raut during the inspection of the Centre. As new patients are being found in unsuspected corners of city, a need for putting people who were in close contact with the positive patient under quarantine would be required and hence, one major facility was created. At present, in city, 42 isolation centres are functioning, but each is having limited capacity. But given the predictions and assumptions, during next two months, a sudden surge in coronavirus patients is not ruled out and hence, in anticipation, NMC geared up its machinery and rolled out care facility outside the city limits.
Dr Sanjeev Kumar, Divisional Commissioner, Dr Bhushan Kumar Upadhyay, Commissioner of Police, Ravindra Thakre, District Collector, Rakesh Ola, Superintendent of Police, Nagpur Rural, Dr Ajay Keolia, Dean, Mayo Hospital, were also present during the visit of Guardian Minister. Manish Kothe, Deputy Mayor, Virendra Kukreja, Chairperson, Health Committee, Vijay alias Pintu Zalke, Chairperson, Standing Committee, NMC, visited the COVID Care Centre off Kalmeshwar Road and took round of the arrangements put in place. Deputy Mayor expressed happiness at the good work carried out by NMC and she was impressed by the arrangements.
She made certain suggestions to civic officials overlooking the arrangements. Kukreja said the medical staff attending to quarantine and COVID-19 patients should be regularly monitored. Dr Yogendra Sawai, Health Officer, Shweta Banerjee, Incident Commander, Manoj Ganvir, Executive Engineer and Rajesh Dufare, EE, were also present. Mundhe Scotches Rumours: Municipal Commissioner Tukaram Mundhe has scotched rumours about NMC bundling up the COVID Care Centre off Kalmeshwar Road. Debunking the reports in a local daily, Mundhe said, NMC is fully prepared to meet the future challenge on tacking surge in patients. He further said,. the attempt on part of the newspaper was nothing, but a cheap tactic to defame the NMC, which is patted throughout the country for its pro-active approach in limiting spread of coronavirus in city.