Wednesday, 26 February 2020

अंधारात मानवतेचा एक किरण :In darkness, a ray of humanity, Delhi violence : Sanjay Patil

अंधारात मानवतेचा एक किरण :In darkness, a ray of humanity, Delhi violence : Sanjay Patil

Sanjay Patil : Delhi : A couple of Hindu households in north-east Delhi’s Shiv Vihar area offered shelter to 20 members of two Muslim families when mobs went on the rampage targeting people and establishments belonging to the minority community.
The families fled their homes on Tuesday and were housed by Hindu families in Gali Number 4 of Shiv Vihar. The police reached the spot on Wednesday and evacuated them to a safer location.
Mohammad Rizwan, who works at a salon, said that they had been living in the Hindu-dominated area for the past 30 years and had never witnessed any communal violence.
His shop was located on the ground floor of the house and a majority of his customers were Hindus.
“I do not know what happened... a mob entered my shop and vandalised it. I somehow managed to save my life while my family members were rescued by my neighbour Pankaj Gupta. As we share a terrace, he jumped to our side and helped my family get to his terrace... he safely took them to his house,” he said.
The other family was also saved in a similar fashion by Vikas Singh, who rescued seven members of a Muslim family and gave shelter to them in his house.
Rukshar, a housewife, said she was in the kitchen when she heard a commotion in the lane outside her house. Before she could understand what was going on, her brother-in-law burst in shouting about a mob heading towards their home.
“We rushed to our neighbour for help and they gave us shelter. Our two-wheeler parked outside was torched,” said Ms. Rukshar.
Muslim families from Mustafabad have started leaving the area after the violence that lasted three days. The families said that armed men wearing masks came and set fire to slum dwellings and vehicles in different parts of the area.
Shaukat Ali, a resident of Mustafabad, said that after three days he managed to come out of the place where he had taken shelter when riots broke out. “My children are untraceable after the violence. My house was torched during the riots and I have lost everything that I had saved in my life. I am going to stay with my relatives in Ghaziabad,” said Mr. Ali, who works as a labourer.The death toll in Delhi’s worst-ever communal violence since 1984 rose to 27, with 14 more persons succumbing to injuries sustained in clashes that began over the Citizenship (Amendment) Act on Sunday evening.After four days, both the Centre and the Delhi government swung into action, with National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal going to the disturbed parts of the city on Wednesday to rebuild confidence among people.Delhi Police have also released two helpline numbers — 011-22829334, 22829335 — for people to reach out during distress.

जे. पी. कन्स्ट्रक्शन ला दनका : संजय पाटील

जे. पी. कन्स्ट्रक्शन ला दनका : संजय पाटील

Image result for cement road in nagpur today

Image result for cement road in nagpur today
संजय पाटील: नागपूर : शहरातील सिमेंट रस्त्यांच्या प्रकल्प कामात कसूर करणाऱ्या जे. पी. कन्स्ट्रक्शन कंपनीला मनपा आयुक्त तुकाराम मुंढे यांनी एक वर्षासाठी काळ्या यादीत टाकले आहे. एकूण कार्यादेश रकमेच्या ०.२५ टक्के म्हणजेच ८ लाख ११ हजार ९६५ रुपयांचा दंडही ठोठावला आहे. मनपात पहिल्यांदाच कंत्राटदाराविरुद्ध अशी कारवाई झाली आहे. यापूर्वी आयुक्तांनी क्वालिटी कंट्रोलचे काम पाहणारी क्रिएशन इंजिनीअर्स प्रायव्हेट लिमिटेड आणि मनपाचे कनिष्ठ अभियंता श्रीवास्तव यांना कारणे दाखवा नोटीस बजावली होती.

सिमेंट रस्ते प्रकल्प (टप्पा-३) रस्ता क्रमांक ३१ एकस्तंभ चौक ते उत्तर अंबाझरी रस्त्याचे (अजित बेकरी रोड) पेव्हर ब्लॉक मानकाप्रमाणे आवश्यक एम-४५चे नसल्याचे प्रयोगशाळेच्या अहवालात आढळून आले. प्रत्यक्षात बसविण्यात आलेले पेव्हर ब्लॉक हे क्यूरिंग पिरेड पूर्ण होण्याआधीच लावण्यास सुरुवात केल्याचे निर्देशनास आले. या कामाच्या मोबदल्यात 'जे.पी.'ला ३२ कोटी ४७ लाख ८६ हजार १५१ रुपये अदा करायचे होते. मात्र कामात त्रुटी आढळल्याने आयुक्त मुंढे यांनी कंपनीला काळ्या यादीत टाकले. या कंपनीला यापूर्वी बृहन्मुंबई महापालिकेनेही काळ्या यादीत टाकले होते. त्यामुळे या कंपनीला काम देऊ नये, अशी मागणी अनेकांनी केली होती. या मागणीकडे दुर्लक्ष करीत कंपनीला निविदा प्रक्रियेत भाग घेण्याची मुभा मिळाली होती. पॅकेज १०मध्ये अनेक कामे या कंपनीला देण्यात आली होती. यात रामनगर चौक ते झेंडा चौक (गोकुळपेठ बाजार), उत्तर नागपुरातील जरीपटका परिसरात तसेच बोरगाव चौक ते सादिकाबाद सिमेंट रस्त्याचा समावेश आहे.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

सिंचन अनुशेष निमूर्लन अश्यक्यच : संजय पाटील

सिंचन अनुशेष निमूर्लन अश्यक्यच : संजय पाटील

Image result for irrigation image

संजय पाटील : नागपूर : विदर्भातील सिंचन अनुशेषावरून भारतीय जनता पार्टी आणि शिवसनेने तब्बल १५ वर्षे सत्तेत असलेल्या आघाडी सरकारवर ताशेरे ओढले होते. विधानसभा व विधान परिषदेत शेतकरी आत्महत्या आणि सिंचन अनुशेषावरून अनेकदा दीर्घकालीन चर्चा, स्थगन प्रस्ताव आणून सरकारला जेरीस आणले होते. विद्यमान केंद्रीय मंत्री नितीन गडकरी, माजी मुख्यमंत्री देवेंद्र फडणवीस, माजी वित्तमंत्री सुधीर मुनगंटीवारसारख्या नेत्यांनी आघाडी सरकारला विदर्भावर होत असलेल्या अन्यायावर धारेवर धरले होते. परंतु, ऑक्टोबर २०१४ मध्ये राज्यात भाजप व शिवसेनेची सत्ता स्थापन झाल्यानंतर विदर्भातील सिंचन अनुशेष वेगाने दूर करण्यात सरकारला अपयश आले आहे.
विदर्भातील शेतकऱ्यांच्या आत्महत्या थांबवायच्या असतील तर सिंचन अनुशेष दूर करणे अत्यावश्यक असल्याच्या शिफारशी आजवर स्थापन झालेल्या विविध समित्यांनी केल्या. इतकेच काय तर राज्यपालांच्या निर्देशांमध्येही अनुशेष निर्मूलनाचा पंचवार्षिक कार्यक्रम देण्यात आला. परंतु, सरकार दरबारी अत्यंत कासवगतीने अनुशेष दूर करण्याचे काम होत असून त्या गतीने किमान पुढील २५ ते ३० वर्षे हा अनुशेष काढता येणार नाही, अशी भयावह परिस्थिती निर्माण झाली आहे.
राज्यात आता केवळ अमरावती विभागाच्या चार जिल्ह्यांमध्येच सिंचनाचा अनुशेष राहिला आहे. राज्यपालांच्या निर्देशांमध्ये विदर्भात आता आर्थिक अनुशेष नसल्याचा दावा करण्यात आला आहे. परंतु, अद्याप १ लाख ७९ हजार ४७७ हेक्टर जमीन ओलिताखाली आलेली नाही. राज्यपालांच्या गेल्या वर्षीच्या निर्देशांमधील आकडेवारीनुसार युतीच्या मागील पाच वर्षांत केवळ ४७ हजार हेक्टर जमिनीचा सिंचन अनुशेष दूर केला आहे. त्यामुळे त्या गतीने जर अनुशेष काढण्यात आल्यास पुढील २५ ते ३० वर्षे हा अनुशेष दूर होणार आहे. सध्याचा अनुशेष काढण्यासाठी किमान ३३ हजार कोटी रुपयांची आवश्यकता आहे. परंतु, राज्याच्या अर्थसंकल्पात सात हजार कोटींहून अधिक तरतूद राज्याच्या एकूण सिंचन प्रकल्पांकरिता होत नाही. त्यापैकी अवघे दोन ते अडीच हजार कोटी विदर्भाच्या वाट्याला येतात. त्यामुळे याच गतीने जर निधी देण्यास आल्यास पुढील अनेक वर्षे प्रकल्प पूर्ण होणार नाहीत, तसेच प्रकल्पांची वाढती किंमतदेखील नवी समस्या ठरणार आहे.
तत्कालीन राज्यपाल सी. एच. विद्यासागर राव यांनी २०१९-२०२०च्या निर्देशांमध्ये जून २००८ ते २०१८ या दहा वर्षांतील सिंचन अनुशेष निर्मूलनाची माहिती नमूद केली आहे. अमरावती विभागातील अमरावती, अकोला, वाशीम आणि बुलडाणा या चार जिल्ह्यांत २००७मध्ये ३ लाख, ३८ हजार ०७० हेक्टर जमिनीचा सिंचन अनुशेष होता. जून २००८पर्यंत आघाडी सरकारच्या कार्यकाळात ४६ हजार ७०० हेक्टर, जून २००९मध्ये २७ हजार ९१ हेक्टर, जून २०१०मध्ये ५९३५ हेक्टर, जून २०१२मध्ये १३ हजार ९२९, जून २०१३मध्ये ६ हजार ७५० हेक्टर अशी एकूण १ लाख १० हजार ८०१ हेक्टर शेतजमिनीचा सिंचन अनुशेष दूर करण्यात आला होता. तर आघाडी सरकार पायउतार झाले तेव्हा विदर्भातील शेतकरी आत्महत्याग्रस्त भागात २ लाख २७ हजार २६९ हेक्टर जमिनीचा सिंचन अनुशेष शिल्लक होता.
दरम्यान, ऑक्टोबर २०१४मध्ये राज्यात युती सरकार स्थापन झाले. या सरकारने पहिल्या वर्षात ३ हजार ५६४ हेक्टर, जून २०१५मध्ये ९ हजार ४३६ हेक्टर, जून २०१६मध्ये १९ हजार ८३७ हेक्टर, जून २०१७मध्ये ६ हजार ६९९ आणि जून २०१८मध्ये ८ हजार २५६ हेक्टर असे एकूण ४७ हजार ७९२ हेक्टर जमिन पाण्याखाली आणली आहे. त्यामुळे अवघ्या पाच वर्षांत अत्यल्प अनुशेष दूर करण्यात आला आहे.
अमरावती विभागातील सिंचन अनुशेष
वर्ष उर्वरित अनुशेष (हेक्टर) दूर झालेला अनुशेष( हेक्टर)
जून २०१४ २,२३,७०५ ३,५६४
जून २०१५ २,१४,२६९ ९,४३६
जून २०१६ १,९४,४३२ १९,८३६
जून २०१७ १,८७,७३३ ६,६९९
जून २०१८ १,७९,४७७ ८२५६

Monday, 24 February 2020

Delhi dengerous violence on CAA- Sanjay Patil

Delhi dengerous violence on CAA- Sanjay Patil

Stone pelting between youths of two community at Kabir Nagar near Maujpur metro station in north-east Delhi.

Sanjay Patil: Delhi : The violence took a communal colour and spread to other parts of northeast Delhi as organised groups attacked each other, setting shops and vehicles on fire.A police head constable and four protesters died in violence that erupted over opposition to the Citizenship (Amendment) Act in the Jaffrabad, Maujpur and Bhajanpura areas of northeast Delhi on Monday.
Tensions escalated hours before U.S. President Donald Trump was scheduled to reach Delhi for bilateral talks as part of his first state visit to India. While Mr. Trump will stay in central Delhi, more than 20 km from the violence, he is scheduled to travel to Rashtrapati Bhavan and Raj Ghat in Old Delhi.
Head constable Rattan Lal, 42, succumbed to head injuries after being hit by a stone in Gokulpuri. He had been trying to control the situation along with his contingent, when he was hit. DCP, Shahdara, Amit Sharma was among the 11 police personnel injured. He was a native of Sikar in Rajasthan and was posted in the office of ACP (Gokalpuri).
DCP (Shahadra) Amit Sharma, ACP (Gokulpuri) Anuj and Head Constable Chatarapal also suffered injuries and were treated in hospital.
Additional Medical Superintendent, Guru Tegh Bahadur Hospital, Dr. Rajesh Kalra, said five persons, including head constable Rattan Lal, died during the violence. He added that over 50 persons had sustained injuries, which were due to stone-throwing and firing.
During the violence, a group of anti-CAA protesters torched two cars and an e-rickshaw in the Jaffrabad area and in retaliation, pro-CAA protesters set four shops ablaze and pelted stones at other shops after identifying them as belonging to members of the minority community.
The violence erupted in the presence of nearly 100 policemen, who seemingly did not respond to the situation.
The violence over the CAA spilled over from Sunday. On Monday, fresh cases of stone-throwing were reported from near the Babarpur-Maujpur metro station. Later, a similar incident was reported from Khajuri Khas.
A senior police officer said in the evening that a man who was seen firing during the violence in the Jaffrabad area, had been identified as Shahrukh Khan and detained. The police also recovered a pistol from him.
Several members identified as belonging to the minority community were thrashed by a mob in the area, according to eyewitness accounts. Later, the police arrived in the area.
The violence over the CAA had begun on Sunday. On Monday, fresh cases of stone pelting were reported from near the Babarpur-Maujpur metro station. Later, a similar incident was reported from the Khajuri Khas area.
Vehicles, shops and a house were set on fire and paramilitary forces were deployed in the area as anti-CAA protesters engaged in violence. Flame and smoke billowed from buildings close to the metro station, two mini-trucks were vandalised and a fire tender set ablaze.
The Delhi Police fired tear gas shells to disperse the protesters and also appealed to residents to maintain peace and harmony. Stone pelting continued till late in the evening in the Khajuri Khas area. Stone-throwing continued till late in the evening in the Khhajuri Khas area. Security forces staged a flag march in Maujpur to disperse the mobs.
A tyre market was set on fire at Gokulpuri late in the evening. Fifteen fire tenders were rushed to bring the blaze under control.
Requesting Lt. Governor Anil Baijal and Union Home Minister Amit Shah to immediately deploy police to control the riot-like situation, Delhi Minister and Babarpur MLA Gopal Rai said in a tweet that there was an atmosphere of panic in Babarpur.
Also on Twitter, Lt. Governor Baijal said: “Instructed @DelhiPolice and @CPDelhito ensure that law and order is maintained in North East Delhi. The situation is being closely monitored. I urge everyone to exercise restraint.”
Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla told reporters the situation was under control and sufficient forces had been deployed.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi tweeted that peaceful protests are a sign of a healthy democracy, but violence can never be justified. “The violence today in Delhi is disturbing and must be unequivocally condemned... I urge the citizens of Delhi to show restraint, compassion and understanding no matter what the provocation,” Mr. Gandhi tweeted.
इंदू मिलमधील डॉ. आंबेडकर स्मारकाचे काम युद्धपातळीवर करण्याचे विधानसभा अध्यक्ष नाना पटोले यांचे निर्देश : संजय पाटील

इंदू मिलमधील डॉ. आंबेडकर स्मारकाचे काम युद्धपातळीवर करण्याचे विधानसभा अध्यक्ष नाना पटोले यांचे निर्देश : संजय पाटील

संजय पाटील : मुंबई : इंदू मिल येथील डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांच्या आंतरराष्ट्रीय दर्जाच्या स्मारकाचे काम युद्धपातळीवर करण्याच्या सूचना विधानसभा अध्यक्ष श्री. नाना पटोले यांनी दिल्या. कामाची प्रगती पाहण्यासाठी मंगळवारी स्वतः सर्व संबंधित अधिकारी व पदाधिकाऱ्यांसह स्मारकाच्या जागेस भेट देणार असल्याचेही त्यांनी यावेळी सांगितले.

इंदू मिल येथील डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर स्मारकासंदर्भात विधानसभा अध्यक्ष श्री. पटोले यांच्या अध्यक्षतेखाली विधानभवनात बैठक झाली. यावेळी सामाजिक न्याय विभागाचे राज्यमंत्री संजय बनसोडेखासदार राहुल शेवाळे उपस्थित होते.श्री. पटोले म्हणालेडॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांचे स्मारक हे जागतिक दर्जाचे व्हावे. लवकरात लवकर हे स्मारक पूर्ण व्हावेअशी अनुयायांची भावना आहे. त्यामुळे ‘एमएमआरडीए’ने स्मारकाचे काम युद्धपातळीवर करावे. स्मारकाच्या ठिकाणी डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर न्याय विद्यापीठ व्हावेअशी मागणी आहे. याबाबतची शक्यता पडताळून पहावी.

श्री. बनसोडे यांनीही स्मारकाचे काम लवकरात लवकर व्हावेअशी अपेक्षा व्यक्त केली. तसेच श्री. शेवाळे यांनी स्मारक व चैत्यभूमी यांना जोडणारा रस्ताही करण्यात यावाअशी सूचना करून चैत्यभूमीचे स्ट्रक्चरल ऑडिट करण्याची मागणी केली.
डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर महापरिनिर्वाण दिन समन्वय समितीच्या वतीने सरचिटणीस श्री. नागसेन कांबळे व अध्यक्ष श्री. महेंद्र कांबळे यांनी स्मारकासंबंधीच्या विविध मागण्यांचे निवेदन दिले. स्मारकाच्या कामाचा वेग वाढवावास्मारकाचे मुख्य प्रवेशद्वार हे सांची स्तुपाच्या रुपात असावे. डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांच्या पुतळ्यावर स्टॅच्यू ऑफ इक्विटी असे लिहावे. सुसज्ज ग्रंथालय असावेस्मारकाच्या ठिकाणी सामाजिक न्याय विद्यापीठ स्थापन करावेडॉ. आंबेडकर यांचे संघर्ष दाखविणारे चित्रणविविध आंदोलनाचे चित्रण तसेच त्यांचे आई-वडीलपत्नीचे शिल्प रेखाटावेडॉ. आंबेडकरांच्या भाषणाचे प्रदर्शन दालन उभारावे आदी मागण्या यामध्ये मांडण्यात आल्या. यावेळी मुंबई महानगर प्रदेश विकास प्राधिकरणाच्या अतिरिक्त आयुक्त श्रीमती सोनिया सेठीवास्तुरचनाकार शशी प्रभू आदी यावेळी उपस्थित होते.

 "BAN  on  RSS"- Bhim Army chief RAWAN- Sanjay Patil

"BAN on RSS"- Bhim Army chief RAWAN- Sanjay Patil

Image result for CHANDRASHEKHAR Azad alias Ravan, chief of Bhim Army

Sanjay Patil : Nagpur :  Chief of Bhim Army, Azad alias Ravan demanded ban on Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Addressing a crowd of his supporters at Reshimbagh ground on Saturday, he also said that RSS should contest elections. “RSS runs BJP. Through BJP, RSS is implementing ‘Manusmriti’ to enforce ‘Manuwaad’ in the country, and affect the spirit of the Constitution of India.
We will not let it happen.We stand by the Constitution. In the clash between‘ Manuwaad’ and the Constitution, we will ensure victory of the Constitution,” said Azad. He said that Bhim Army would take to streets for the struggle as tolerance of the people had come to an end. The struggle would be non-violent, and would effect change in the country, he added. Speaking on Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizens (NRC), Azad said that CAA, NRC, and National Population Register were a part of the agenda of implementing‘Manusmriti’.“RSS chief Dr Mohan Bhagwat should keep aside the veil of lies and come out to contest the elections to know how much support does RSS’ agenda of ‘Manuwaad’ has from the people,” he said.
He alleged that RSS chief spoke of review of the reservation policy as RSS wanted to end reservation. He said, Dr Bhagwat should come for public debate on CAA, reservation policy and such issues. “Let our Government come and we will give you reservation,” he remarked. Bhim Army chief also said that the State Government of Maha Vikas Aghadi could stop implementation of NRC in Maharashtra. “If it does nnot do so, we will start agitation against it too,” he added. At the outset, Chandrashekhar Azad alias Ravan took to the stage holding the national tricolour flag, and said that he would hoist the national flag in every corner of the country.

Saturday, 22 February 2020

 “most fundamental feature” -Chief Justice S A Bobde : Sanjay Patil

“most fundamental feature” -Chief Justice S A Bobde : Sanjay Patil

Image result for justice bobdeSanjay Patil : Referring to Constitutional provisions, Justice Bobde said it was often implicit in law that “legal rights have correlatives of legal duties.” “A feature often neglected is a chapter on fundamental duties imposing on every citizen the duties to abide by the constitution, the whole of it and respect its ideals and institution,” he said. The CJI said more than 50 countries have specific provisions on fundamental duties in their Constitutions. Quoting Mahatma Gandhi, Justice Bobde said the exercise of rights depends on one’s sense of duty and “real rights are a result of performance of duty”. The CJI also referred to “incredible technological advancement” and said now the entire world was interconnected and a small change in one corner of the world can result in changes in different parts of the world.

 THE rule of law is probably the “most fundamental feature” of modern constitutions and its success depends on how judiciaries across the world respond to emerging challenges, Chief Justice S A Bobde said on Saturday. The CJI, while speaking at the International Judges’ Conference on the subject of ‘Judiciary and the Changing World’ at the Supreme Court here, also stressed on the need for citizens to perform their legal duties. “Probably the most fundamental feature of most modern constitutions is the idea of the rule of law,” he said, adding, “Undoubtedly, the success of the rule of law in our countries depends on how the judiciaries respond to such challenges and how they emerge.”
“Judiciaries all over the world are dealing with this kind of change, what might be called a rights revolution, a technological revolution and a demographic revolution. Our decisions no longer impact only those who live in our jurisdiction but also those who live in other jurisdictions, some far away,” he said. Wishing success to the first such conference organised by the Indian Supreme Court in which judges from over 20 countries are taking part, he said this would offer opportunities to judges “to exchange ideas and gain knowledge from each other on many aspects of gender justice, right to privacy, populism, environment and sustainable development.” He said the Constitution has created a “strong and independent judiciary” which was separated from the executive and the legislature. 
“We have strived at every turn, not just as a judicial institution but also as a citizenry to keep these basic ideals intact,” he said. The CJI then delved into the 2,000-year-old history of Indian jurisprudence and said, “India had a well-established system of courts. The rules were all contained in the scriptures which prescribed a mandatory open hearing in courts in the presence of officers of the court.”
He also referred to ‘Vyasa Smriti’ and said it provided “various stages of a valid decision” and they were the “plaint, written statement, issues, evidence, it’s analysis, argument of the lawyer, provisions of law and that the decision” which contained a royal seal on it. Referring to the ancient practice of imparting justice by village panchayats in the north-eastern parts of India, he said, “For instance the chicken liver test - in the absence of any direct evidence, the priest selects a small chick, cuts its neck, removes its liver, examines it and hands it over to the other members of the panchayat for examination.
“The panel then decides collectively on whether the accused is guilty post the examination of the liver.” He said there was also a practice of taking oath holding the tooth of a tiger and there was fascinating diversity in India. Terming India as “a melting pot of myriad cultures and traditions”, the CJI said, “We have assimilated legal cultures of all the civilisations that have come to our shores - the Mughals, the Portuguese, the French, the Dutch and finally the English.” Attorney General K K Venugopal also spoke at the gathering. He raised the issue of poverty and referred to the steps and welfare projects undertaken by successive governments to eradicate it. “Now, one should realise that India is a vast country and when we got freedom and the Constitution was adopted in 1950, the census showed that 70 per cent of the people were living below the poverty line,” the top most law officer said.
“That is what was the state of the country after 200 years of British rule. Now, this has been reduced today to 21 per cent and that I think is through the efforts of the Government,” he said. He said the Government has brought in a series of reforms including social ones. Venugopal also referred to schemes like Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), Prime Minister life insurance scheme, health scheme and the law on food security. “Wherever the State, in the nature of the Government, has failed to produce results in some areas where there may be gaps, then in such a case the Supreme Court has stepped in...,” he said. Venugopal said he hoped that poverty would be eradicated from the country in the next few years with the collaborative efforts of the Government and the top court.